Events in Versilia and Lido di Camaiore


Hotel Bracciotti Lido di Camaiore

This event starts on 08 December 2023

Lucca, rich city of history and of beauties to see, gives from 8 December 2023 to the 29 September 2024, a dedicated exhibition to Antonio Canova to the Neoclassicismo.

"The scultures of Canova are not frozen like in the marmor, but hot in the life again".

Vittorio Sgarbi.

It is at the Cavallerizza of Lucca, this big exposition "Antonio Canova and the Neoclassicismo to Lucca" curated of Vittorio Sgarbi and produced by Contemplazioni.

A suggestive path, between painting and sculpture, that it will leave by Antonio Canova, universal icon of the new Classicism, and from the most famous international exponents as Francisco Goya and Francesco Hayez, until to the Lucca's chefs of the same current, between Pompeo Batoni, Bernardino Nocchi, Stefano Tofanelli and Lorenzo Bartolini, only to quote some.

The demonstration will go to conjugate the Canova's mastery, between the most famous artists to mondial level, with the recovery, the promotion and the valorisation of part of the artistic lucchese and toscano heritage and will be visitable from 8 December 2023 to the 29 September 2024. Canova e il Neoclassicismo a Lucca, Cavallerizza di Lucca


Expires on 29 September 2024

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